Alberto Abella

Alberto Abella is Telecommunications Engineer and Máster in Total Quality Management by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is also MBA by UNED, and Master in Business Management and Organisation by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

His profesional career includes IT and Quality Consultancy for Telefónica Móviles, OSI Telefónica and Asociación Española para la Calidad. He joined Cap Gemini Group (Sogeti) working as Manager for Software Libre, Testing and Application Management up to 2005. He publishes from 2002 to 2006 the I, II y III White paper on Open source in Spain.

He worked for Novell as channel and alliances director and Business development manager at CENATIC (Foundation of the Spanish Ministerio de Industria to support open source software). He has been member of the OECD expers' group for innovation on Software.He has been teacher of open technologies and business models in smart cities, cloud computing and other emerging technologies for INAP, EOI, Universidad Autónoma, URJC, AMETIC, etc.

He is also author of the paper Reuse of public and private sector information in Spain. He developed a metric to assess reusability of information and publish Modelling of the economic impact of information reuse in Spain.
Currently, he is president of OKFN Spain Group and member of the private-public collaboration group of Ministry of Industry with AMETIC.